The big picture
We believe that representation leads to empowerment. That being seen leads to being heard. That a new perspective leads to other points of view. We don’t want to change the world, but we are determined to change our vision of the world. A vision where everyone is included, everyone can contribute. And in the end, everyone wins. Because we believe that a broader picture leads to broader possibilities.
Big changes through small gestures
Despite our best intentions, we don’t always notice our biases in our day-to-day interactions – that’s why they’re called implicit biases. Pre&ent aims to foster organizational change gradually but steadily by providing tools and methods for everyone, from entry-level to leadership teams, with a specific focus on images, workshops and research.
When it comes to searching for digital images, our choice of criteria (tall, woman, Asian, etc.) could reinforce these biases and certain social inequalities. Pre&ent seeks to shift this paradigm by offering images with a broader, more nuanced range of people and contexts, to reflect our reality – no matter what the search bar says.
When it comes to developing a communication campaign, trying to mirror reality by randomly putting a variety of people together (in a TV ad or internal or external digital content) could oversimplify and distort the true complexity of individuals. Pre&ent seeks to reprogram some of our work methods to foster practices and spaces where we can invite more people insight to add relatability and nuances. Pre&ent is aiming to shift this paradigm.
When it comes to understanding people, relying solely on surface-level insights or assumptions about behaviors, values, or cultures often misses the bigger picture. Pre&ent seeks to shift this paradigm by leveraging ethnographic, socio-cultural research to uncover deeper truths. Through immersive observation and meaningful dialogue, we explore the complexity of lived experiences and the diverse ways people see and shape the world.
Ingrid Enriquez-Donissaint
Ingrid is fascinated by behavioral patterns and micro-cultural systems that enrich society and organizations by uncovering human truths. With expertise in strategic planning, ethnography, behavioral design, and insights from the Othering & Belonging Institute program, Ingrid, as a strategist, has played a central role in the growth of numerous brands in Canada and internationally (Cirque du Soleil, Vidéotron, Héma-Québec, Welcome Collective, Apple, Ville de Montréal, etc.). Her entrepreneurial spirit also guided her to co-found alcove, a space bringing visionaries together in Montreal for intimate discussions, as well as the Dîner en Blanc in Haiti.
Laurence Pasteels
Award-winning visionary with 20 years in visual, brand, and experience design, including 12 years as Creative Director. Laurence excels in unique visual sensitivity, team management, integrity, dedication, and leadership. Her journey spans various companies, including Sid Lee, Circo de Bakuza, GSM Project, Cirque du Soleil, and Moment Factory. Passionate about tackling diverse projects, from inventing visitor experiences to crafting show themes.
They talk about us
Le Grenier aux Nouvelles - Revenir à l'essentiel avec la plateforme Pre&ent
The Message - Being Pre&ent, to improve diversity in advertising
URelles - Pre&ent : Rendre vos communications inclusives
Le Grenier aux Nouvelles - Pre&ent pour la transformation de la représentation avec authenticité
Le Grenier x Le Bec - Bien être en comm
Campaign Diversity and inclusion initiative Pre&ent launches international photo bank